Semana Santa (Holy Week) 2022
Staying in Spain during the week before Easter (Semana Santa) is an outstanding experience. People around the nation celebrate this week with large processions. In Cordoba more than 30 of these processions occur, attracting many thousand tourists, as well as local residents.
Traditionally, Easter festivities begin on Palm Sunday with “La Borriquita” procession. “La Borriquita” represents how Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem on the back of a jackass.Each of the processions is to symbolize a certain situation during the way of the Cross.
Members of so called brotherhoods, associations of believers, bear adorned Jesus and Mary statues through the city’s streets. The oldest statue visitors can look at is the statue of the Suffering Christ from the 13th century. Processions are joined by penitents and singers of religious flamenco chants, and the scent of incense can be smelt everywhere.
Some of the brotherhoods may look back at several hundred years of history and tradition. “Del Rescatado”, “Cristo de Gracia” and “Cristo de Ánimas” are among the most significant brotherhoods of Cordoba.
So if you are staying in Cordoba around Easter, don’t miss one of the processions. It’s truly worth seeing. To make observing one or more of these processions a comfortable experience, visitors can rent folding chairs that are available along the procession route and are available on a daily basis.
10 - 17 April 2022
Procession Info
Information regarding the Holy Week processions may be obtained at our Spanish page Procession itineraries and times
Below we have listed the brotherhoods that make their processions during the Holy week. For the complete schedule and itinerary information, you may go to our respective Spanish page, where we have published this information: Procession itineraries and times
Also on our Spanish website, we have a map depicting the path of the so called Carrera Oficial, a route near the Mezquita Cathedral all processions go through. To see the map, go here.
Domingo de Ramos (Palm Sunday)
Entrada Triunfal (La Borriquita) – Iglesia de San Lorenzo Las Penas de Santiago – Parroquia de Santiago Apóstol La Esperanza - Parroquia de San Andrés Apóstol El Rescatado - Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Gracia El Amor – Parroquia Jesús Divino Obrero El Huerto - Parroquia de San Francisco y San Eulogio
Lunes Santo (Monday)
La Merced - Parroquia de San Antonio de Padua La Vera Cruz - Parroquia de San José y Espíritu Santo La Estrella – Parroquia de San Fernando La Sentencia - Parroquia de San Nicolás de la Villa Vía Crucis - Parroquia de San Juan y Todos los Santos. La Trinidad Ánimas - Real Parroquia de San Lorenzo Mártir
Martes Santo (Tuesday)
La Agonía - Cathedral Universitaria – Iglesia del Juramento de San Rafael La Sangre - Iglesia Conventual de Santo Ángel. Padres Capuchinos El Buen Suceso - Parroquia de San Andrés Apóstol La Santa Faz - Parroquia de San Juan y Todos los Santos. La Trinidad El Prendimiento - Iglesia de María Auxiliadora
Miércoles Santo (Wednesday)
El Perdón - Iglesia de San Roque. Calle Buen Pastor El Calvario - Real Parroquia de San Lorenzo Mártir La Paz - Iglesia Conventual del Santo Ángel. Padres Capuchinos La Misericordia - Basílica Menor de San Pedro La Pasión - Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Paz. San Basilio La Piedad – Parroquia de San Antonio María Claret
Jueves Santo (Holy Thursday)
El Nazareno - Iglesia del Hospital de Jesús Nazareno La Caridad - Parroquia de San Francisco y San Eulogio El Caído - Iglesia Conventual de San Cayetano Sagrada Cena – Parroquia del Beato Álvaro de Córdoba Las Angustias - Iglesia Conventual de San Agustín Cristo de Gracia (El Esparraguero) - Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Gracia
Madrugá (Good Friday Eve)
La Buena Muerte - Real Colegiata de San Hipólito
Viernes Santo (Good Friday)
La Soledad - Parroquia de Santiago Apóstol La Expiración - Real Iglesia de San Pablo El Descendimiento - Parroquia de San José y Espíritu Santo Los Dolores - Iglesia Hospital de San Jacinto El Santo Sepulcro - Parroquia del Salvador y Santo Domingo de Silos. Compañía
Domingo de Resurrección (Easter Day)
El Resucitado - Parroquia de Santa Marina de Aguas Santas
Want to know more?
If you are interested in getting more familiar with local words and phrases regarding the Holy week processions, then go ahead. We explain some of the most significant words you may get in contact with while being here around Easter.
Bacalao: Flag with the brotherhood crest
Banda (band): Most processions are accompanied by music bands, playing march music. Some brotherhoods however pass on music (Procesión de silencio - silent procession).
Capataz (bearer): This person is responsible for conducting the procession through the narrow streets.
Capirote (cusp hat): The Nazarenes wear a cusp hat covering all face only leaving two sights.
Carrera oficial (official route): The official procession route is the route all procession go through. In 2017, the official route, for the first time, begins at the so called Puerta del Puente (Bridge Gate) and runs through Plaza del Triunfo Square, where a jury rates each procession. Afterwards the official route goes through Calle Torrijos, enters the orange yard of the Mezquita through its Puerta del Perdón gate. After passing the Mezquita interior the route leaves through Puerta de Santa Catalina gate and enters Magistral González Francés Street. The route ends at Cardenal González street. Along the route there are boxes with chairs that can be rented.
Círio: A large wax candle conveyed by the Nazarenes.
Costaleros (bearer): Invisible for the audience, between 40 and 50 bearer walk under the so-called Paso and bear it on their heads or shoulders through the streets.
Cruz de Guía (Lead cross): A large wooden cross, adorned with silver, opens the procession and paves the way.
Estación de penitencia (Penitence station): Since 2016, all processions make a stop at Cordoba Cathedral. Entering and leaving Mezquita Cathedral are worth attending.
Hermandad (Brotherhood): Also known as Cofradías, brotherhoods are religious associations. their members are called Hermanos (brothers).
Hermano Mayor: Brotherhood principal
Mantilla (Veil): Behind the Paso there are often women walking with a black veil to deliver a promise or do penance for something.
Nazareno (Nazarenes): Hooded penitents, marching in rows of two before the Paso, bearing large candles and other insignia.
Paso (Supporting frame): This is a stage showing an image of the Christ ordeal or an effigy of the Virgin Mary, respectively. These stages are beared by the so-called Costaleros. Many processions come with two Pasos.
Penitentes (Penitents): Penitents bear a wooden cross and walk, in many cases, barefoot.
Recorrido (Procession route): This is the complete route of a procession. Depending on the distance between the respective church and the official route in the city center, a procession may last up to ten hours.
Saeta ("Arrow") is an emotional chant, given by a single singer on the occasion of the passing procession.
Salida y entrada (Move-out and move-in): Two emotional procession moments that are famous with locals as well as tourists. The event is broadcast live and the chapel plays the national anthem of Spain.